We recently received a newsletter from The Plano Overnight Warming Station (POWS) located at the Salvation Army Center on 14th street. We wanted to share some of the information from that source with followers of this ministry in which First Presbyterian Church Plano (FPC Plano) participates by supplying clothing and grooming supplies to those utilizing POWS.
February 2022 was surprisingly cold. Of the total 28 nights in February, POWS was open 12 of those nights as well as several of the days when the temperatures didn't even climb over the freezing mark! Those 12 nights in February surpassed the very cold January by one additional night.
All that being said, in February POWS served 1,339 guests or 111 average per night! One night they had a historic high of 142 participants! In January they served 607 guests.
Thus, with the additional open nights POWS had in December and November they will have served well over 2,200 folks through 3/6/22 with still potentially a few more cold nights on the horizon. Due to the many gracious POWS volunteers serving others this winter season FPC Plano volunteers, made up of congregants and friends of the "Clothing Church", have clocked a lofty 403 "person" hours to date! They helped purchase needed clothing items as well as gather donations, prep/pack clothing, wash/mend clothes as needed and deliver clothing/grooming supplies to the warming station.